Progress report meeting

10 September 2021, online

The progress report meeting is the most important reporting meeting for an MC ITN EJD.


Moderator: Christiane Helling

Start 9:00h (EU time)
Short introduction by the REA Project Officer and the Project Coordinator on the purpose of the meeting. (~5 minutes)

9:10h – 9:40h (EU time)
Tour de table
All supervisors briefly present their research and describe their role within the network. Introduction of the Partner Organisations. (~30 minutes):  Christiane Helling, Peter Woitke, Inga Kamp, Uffe G. Jørgensen, Anja Andersen, Leen Decin, Katrien Kolenberg, Peter Van Petegem, Veerle Van der Sluys, Michiel Min, Ludmila Carone, Diana Juncher, Graeme Cook, Bedanna Bapuly, Sabine Prem, Paul Palmer
(2 mins per person)

9:40 – 10:00h (EU time)
REA Project officer presentation
Presentation on the monitoring of project implementation, reporting and purpose of the mid-term check. (~20 minutes)   (pdf of presentation)

15 mins break

10:15h – 11:15h/11:30h (EU time)
Coordinator’s report
Presentation of the Network and the progress covering the following aspects (~between 45 and 60 minutes):

  • Research – progress of WPs 1, 2, 3, and 5: Peter Woitke, Leen Decin, Uffe G. Jørgensen, Katrien Kolenberg (5 mins each = 20 mins)
  • Recruitment report: Paul Palmer (10 mins)
  • Deliverables: Christiane Helling (5 mins)
  • Milestones: Christiane Helling (2 mins)
  • WP training: Inga Kamp (5 mins)
  • Management meetings (activities of the Supervisory Board, etc.): Christiane Helling (5 mins)

Lunch until 13:00h (EU time)

13:00h – 14:15h (EU time)
Fellows’ individual presentation
Every fellow funded by the project will present themselves, their background and present their research project (foreseen research, training, secondments, etc.). Scientific results are not expected in the presentations at this stage of the project. (5 min per ESR)

ESR1: Flavia Amadio
ESR2: Beatriz Campos Estrada
ESR3: Sven Kiefer
ESR4: Linus Heinke
ESR5: Helena Lecoq Molinos
ESR6: Nanna Bach-Møller
ESR7: Thorsten Balduin
ESR8: Jayatee Kanwar
ESR9: Till Käufer
ESR10: Areli Castrejon
ESR11: Francisco Ardevol
ESR12: Aaron Schneider
ESR13: Marrick Braam
ESR14: Oriel Marshall
ESR15: Pieter Steyaert

14:15h – 15:15h (EU time)
Restricted session for all fellows with REA Project Officer (~1 hour)

15mins break

15:30h – 16:00h (EU time)
Feedback and open discussion
Feedback from the REA Project Officer (~15-30 minutes)