Monday, 23 November 2020
Structure, aim and opportunities of the CHAMELEON MC ITN EJD
9:00h (GMT)
Welcome and Introduction of the CHAMELEON MC ITN EJD (20 mins + 10 mins; Christiane Helling (University of St Andrews, UK))
Welcome by EU Project Officer (Roxana Paulovici, 20 mins + 10 mins)
Self-Introduction of CHAMELEON supervisors (2 mins per person: Anja Andersen, Ludmila Carone, Leen Decin, Christiane Helling, Uffe G. Jørgensen, Inga Kamp, Katrien Kolenberg, Michiel Min, Paul Palmer, Peter Woitke)
10:20h – 10 mins break
10:30h (GMT)
Introduction of partners and associates: LUCA, SRON, MPIA, CGL, SPIC, DTU (5 mins per contribution)
11:00h – 10 mins break
11:10h (GMT)
Self-introduction of CHAMELEON PhD students (ESRs): 5 mins (one slide)
ESR 1-4 + 5 mins Q&A
ESR 5-8 + 5 mins Q&A
ESR 9-13 + 5 mins Q&A
12:30h (CMT) Lunch break
14:00h (GMT)
Introduction of CHAMELEON Training & Activities (Inga Kamp, University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
long coffee break
16:00h (GMT), chair: Inga Kamp
Invited talk: “What near- to mid-IR observations reveal about disk chemistry, physics and planet formation” – Joan Najita (National Optical Astronomy Observatory, US), 25+10 mins
16:35h (GMT), Goodbye day 1 (Christiane Helling)
day 1 ends ~ 16:45h (GMT)
19:30h (GMT)
Social Quiz round about the CHAMELEON countries and the ESR’s countries of origin.
Test your knowledge of history, culture and geography while getting to know the ESRs.
(ESR organised)
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
The science within the CHAMELEON MC ITN EJD
9:00h (GMT), chair: Ludmila Carone
Invited talk: “Theory of planet formation” – Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), 25+10 mins, (talk)
Invited talk: “Machine Learning: Complex data analysis in application to astronomy” – Daniela Huppenkothen (SRON, The Netherlands), 25+10 mins
10:10h – 10 mins break
10:20h (GMT)
Exoplanet modelling (30+5 mins, Uffe G. Jørgensen (Copenhagen), Ludmila Carone (MPIA) (talk), Leen Decin (Leuven) (talk))
10:55h – 5 mins break
11:00h (GMT)
Exoplanet modelling (20+5 mins, Christiane Helling (St Andrews) (talk), Paul Palmer (Edinburgh) (talk))
11:25h – 10 mins break
11:35h (GMT)
Planet-forming disks (30+5 mins, Peter Woitke (St Andrews), Inga Kamp (Groningen) (talk))
Machine learning (30+5 mins, Michiel Min, SRON, The Netherlands)
13:00h (GMT) Lunch break
14:00h (GMT)
Network activity on communication; chair: Katrien Kolenberg
Introduction on science communication (Katrien Kolenberg (University of Antwerp)) (talk)
Science communication within CHAMELEON (Katrien Kolenberg, Anja Andersen, Ludmila Carone)
Ethics and Social Media (Prof Katherine Hawley (Center for Exoplanet Science, University of St Andrews)) (talk)
16:50 (GMT), Goodbye day 2 (Christiane Helling)
day 2 ends ~ 17:00h (GMT)
19:30h (GMT), Evening speaker talk
“The discovery of phosphine on Venus” – Paul Rimmer (University of Cambridge, UK)

Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Arts, Education with Science within the CHAMELEON MC ITN EJD
9:00h (GMT), chair: Leen Decin
Invited talk: “Characterising Exoplanets’ Atmospheres” – Jean-Michel Desert (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 25+10 mins, (talk)
9:35h – 5 mins break
9:40 (GMT) Long, online coffee break
10:30h (GMT)
“Science, Art & Education as a CHAMELEON: adapting to your target audience”
Introduction of the Arts & Science & Education project plan (Katrien Kolenberg (talk), Peter Van Petegem, Veerle Van der Sluys (talk), Anja Andersen (talk))
13:00h (GMT) Lunch break
14:00h (GMT)
Network activity on science & arts & education
15:30h (GMT) Example for Arts & Science interaction
Sonia Killmann (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) and Dominic Samra (University of St Andrews) present ‘Mineral Snowflakes’ a musical piece produced for ‘Intersections’ a concert of new music, the result of creative collaborations between St Andrews researchers and RCS composers organised by StAndEngaged, RCS_TheExchange, and SHARE as part of Explorathon2020, Scotland’s component of European Researchers’ Night.
16:50h (GMT), Goodbye day 3 (Christiane Helling)
day 3 ends ~ 17:00h (GMT)
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Science talks from the CHAMELEON research groups
PhD students from CHAMELEON universities present their work: 20+10 mins per talk
(pdf with abstracts)
9:00h (GMT), chair: Peter Woitke
Bayron Portilla (2rd year PhD student, Groningen):
“Radiative transfer modeling of the PDS 70 system”
Robin Baeyens (3rd year PhD student, Leuven):
“Exoplanet atmospheres in 1D, 2D and 3D”
5 mins break
10:05h (GMT), chair: Peter Woitke
Dominic Samra (3rd year PhD student, St Andrews):
“Modelling Mineral Snowflakes on Gas-Giant and Ultra-Hot Exoplanets”
Jan-Philip Sindel (3rd year PhD student, St Andrews/Leuven):
“Nucleation of TiO2 molecular clusters in the context of cloud formation on hot Jupiters”
Emma Puranen (1rd year PhD student, St Andrews):
“Exoplanet Science, Sci-Fi, and the Public Eye”
11:30h (GMT) Lunch break
13:30h (GMT), chair: Michiel Min
Niloofar Khorshid (3rd year PhD student, Amsterdam):
“Effects of planet formation on the composition of the planetary atmospheres”
Oliver Herbort (3rd year PhD student, St Andrews):
“From Clouds to Crust – Cloud diversity & surface conditions in atmospheres of rocky exoplanets”
5 mins break
14:35h (GMT), chair: Michiel Min
Niall Whiteford (3rd year PhD student, Edinburgh):
“Directly-imaged exoplanet characterisation using retrievals: 51 Eridani b”
Patrick Barth (2rd year PhD student, St Andrews):
“Modelling the influence of high-energy radiation on the atmospheric composition of HD 189733b”
5 mins break
15:40h (GMT)
Linking to ESCHER (Leen Decin) and the Copenhagen Centre for Exolife Science (Uffe G. Jørgensen)
16:10h (GMT)
Summary & Goodbye (Christiane Helling)