Events with CHAMELEON-Factor

CHAMELEON co-hosted Science Conference

This conference aims to bring together scientists from various scientific fields working on exoplanets, disk evolution, pre-biology, exotic life, and the future of life and humanity. The conference is hosted by the MC-ITN CHAMELEON partner University of Copenhagen and co-supported by CELS, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and the Carlsberg Foundation.

The conference theme goes beyond the topic of CHAMELEON and aims to link the network’s research to forthcoming research developments. It is the next step of scientific aspirations building onto CHAMELEON research results regarding the chemical diversity in planet-forming disks and atmospheres of exoplanets. The conference will showcase the results and efforts of the CHAMELEON network and will offer a platform to discuss future projects to foster the continuation of joint efforts beyond the funding period.

Further information about the conference can be found here: htps://

Young Scientists Satellite meeting

The MC-ITN CHAMELEON ESRs will have the opportunity to present their work either as a contributed talk or as a poster presentation. Further, the MC-ITN CHAMELEON network will organise a dedicated Young Scientists Satellite meeting on August 3rd. This satellite meeting will highlight the achievements of the network and will give the ESRs the opportunity to present their work in more detail.

Exploring Exoplanets

To display the “Arts, Education & Science Outreach” effort and outcome of the MC-ITN CHAMELEON network, the art exhibition “Exploring Exoplanets” will be held in Copenhagen during the week July 29th – August 2nd in parallel to the CHAMELEON co-hosted Science Conference.The “Exploring Exoplanets” exhibition will merge the realms of art and science, focusing on the innovative intersection of astrophysics and creative expression. Set against the backdrop of the concluding CHAMELEON innovative training network, which has paved new paths.

Further information can be found here:

PLATO Workshops on 3D Climate and Clouds

The PLATO workshop series on 3D Climate and Clouds started with a kick-off meeting in September 2023. This three day workshop aimed at gathering models and discussing tasks for WP116 700 (Clouds and atmosphere chemistry of exoplanets) and WP 116 800 (3D climate of exoplanets) in conjunction with PLATO observations (represented by WP 112 300).

The second workshop took place online on April 29th, and focused on discussing suitable PLATO targets for 3D characterisation and the progress of ongoing projects. Further, contributions of young researchers were particular welcomed for more in-depth presentations. This workshop was part of the MC-ITN CHAMELEON effort to showcase its developments of virtual laboratories for present and future space mission applications.

Further information about this workshop series can be found here: